💼 Our Solution

How Does Our Solution Work?

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Seamless Integration and Secure Transactions

Checkout Integration

Seamlessly integrates with the merchant’s existing checkout system, providing a fluid transaction experience.

Customized Services

Provides bespoke services and membership plans, meticulously tailored to align with the merchant’s specific needs.

Secure Transactions

PlatformPay.io expertly manages all billing processes and is PCI DSS Level 1 Compliant, ensuring a secure transaction environment.

Prompt Payment

Guarantees prompt and reliable payments, contributing to the financial health and stability of the merchant’s business.

💳 Transaction Flow

Here is How Our Solution Works...


Merchant Provides Customer

The customer browses and selects their desired products on the merchant’s website. They proceed through the standard checkout process, just as they would with any normal purchase. The transaction remains familiar and comfortable for both the customer and merchant.


Client Data is Collected

During checkout, PlatformPay.io works quietly in the background, securely collecting essential customer information. This integration is automatic and requires no additional steps from either the customer or merchant, ensuring a smooth purchasing experience.


Customer is Happy & Merchant is Paid

After the initial purchase, PlatformPay.io creates value for everyone involved:

  • For Customers: Receive exclusive online membership benefits and streamlined billing management
  • For Merchants: Get immediate payment processing and earn additional revenue through commission sharing
  • Ongoing Process: A small recurring membership fee is processed 45 days after the initial purchase, maintaining the customer’s access to membership benefits

The entire process is designed to be transparent, beneficial, and hassle-free for both merchants and customers.


Customer is happy & Merchant is paid

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Transaction Flow (Simplified)

Transaction Flow (In Detail)

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